heart, soul, work, play; the joys, pains, and some of the lessons of Life
About once a decade, musicians gather together and pool their incredible talents in a single concert broadcast around the world to raise relief funds for some disaster. It’s impossible not to be swept up in the magic of the moment.
For a brief time, there’s no “us” or “Them”, no rich or poor, white, black or Latino. The world is united and everyone is giving. It’s all about giving, all about heart.
I love to watch the emotions of celebrities who have so much be so thrilled to pitch in and offer their share. Squabbles subside. Struggles seem trivial compared to the bigger picture and every one knows it.
There was much talk today about celebrating on this perfect day of 12-12-12, but the concert tonight brings smiles far beyond expectations. When people really give from their hearts, they find a sweet euphoria.
Even the tragedy is celebrated.
The hard work is set aside. The tears are less in sorrow and more for gratitude. Somehow, no matter how tough things are, when people come together, they find a strength in community that makes everything alright.
The heroism is acclaimed. The survivors become thrivers. Hope becomes manifest and all becomes possible.
And the music is pretty good too!
We're down to just a matter of days now before the acclaimed
date of December 21, 2012. Already, as I
write this in most parts of the world, it is the symmetrical and picture
perfect 12-12-12.